We avoided Disney, Universal, SeaWorld, etc. knowing that they'd be incredibly crowded and busy during winter break. We did go to "GatorLand" (or was it GatorWorld? I don't remember).

Lots of gators: piles of adults, little baby ones, breeding areas, etc. And apparently they like hot dogs (you can buy a bag of hot dogs to feed to the gators).
Otherwise, we just hung out by the pool, played some mahjong, and were generally lazy (as you're supposed to be on vacation). We made a couple of trips to Publix for groceries where I found some funny stuff:

(1) In the ice cream section, we found specialty ice cream treat/novelties for dogs. That just seems really wrong to me. A dog's lucky if it gets an ice cube once in a while. (2) Bubba burgers are just a funny name. (3) I had no idea hostess was in the holiday baked goods business. Pretty scary. (4) Publix has a knock-off brand of Robitussin, simply called "Tussin". I thought that was pretty funny, too. Someone in the Publix marketing team deserves points in the "Same Name but You Can't Sue Us" department.

While walking around one of the Outlet Malls, we ran into this advertisement. I didn't know that Cheese Curds was a hot product in the fast food business. "Curiously Delicious" is a bit alarming. It reminds me a bit of poutine, but without the fries, and without the gravy.